Hello there! One of my most popular posts was The two best apps for learning Japanese. Since many people thought it was helpful I even made a part two! After covering apps for Japanese, I had to find the best out there for Korean as well. So I did a little research and found these two apps. Since I will be making a part two for sure I thought I will split it into Iphone and Android rather then mixing them up. If you have a device running on Android please be patient, I will make an Adroid version soon. Now let's get reading and I'll show you the apps I found!

This is a simple flashcards app. In the menu you are able to select from three main options; prepare, learn and test. Each option has it's own sub-options, I will explain them briefly for you. First there is 'PREPARE' in prepare you have three sub-options; my focus, my study sets and my progress. In 'my focus' you can select words from seven categories or select all the words you want to study. In 'my study sets' you can create your own set of flashcards and in 'my progress' you can see the percentage of the words you have mastered for each category.
For the 'LEARN' section you have four sub-options which are; study, spaced repetition, flashcards and hands free. The LEARN section is where you will actually be practicing your flashcards. Every option gives you a different style of learning, for example hands free where they will say the words out loud in both English and Korean.
In the last menu option you find TEST which has two sub-options; quiz and audio quiz. The English word will be in the screen and you need to select the correct answer from the four options in Hangul. The only difference between the audio option and the normal option is that the audio options pronounces the word for you.. in English... not sure if that's very helpful though.
Overall rating Essentials;
Visual / layout; 4/5
Information; 2/5
- Clean layout
- Adjustable study options
- Not many words / categories to study
- Audio quiz is not helpful

As you might know from my Japanese app post I kind of raved about iStart Japanese so I had to try the Korean version as well. Although only the first four lessons are free I really recommend this app because it is extremely helpful! It teaches you trough lessons which give you that classroom feeling in your own comfort at home. Mirai apps work with three basic principles. First- language should be fun stimulating and enjoyable. Second- language instruction should be logical, well-paced and consistent. Third- language instruction and learning should be goal-oriented, with the objective of making you, the learner functionally proficient in actually speaking and understanding the Korean language. And don't tell me that's not exactly what you want! The Lite or 'free' version comes with four lessons; introduction, politeness, simple vowels and saying goodbye. At the beginning of each lessons they explain you what you will learn in this lesson. Then you will go through the session with your 'tutor'. This is a fun interactive lesson which in the end takes you to the summary where you recap what you have just learned. There is also a vocab section where you can review all your new words and a quiz section to make sure you really understand the information from the lesson.
I really liked the Japanese version and the Korean version is just as amazing. So far this is really my number one app for Korean!
Overall rating Essentials;
Visual / layout; 5/5
Information; 5/5
- Clean layout
- Amazingly detailed lessons
- Free version has only four lessons
- Full version available at €4,99
I'm not in any way sponsored by these companies to review their apps.
Thank you for reading. If there is an app you would like me to try on either Iphone or Android devices let me know!
~ mei mei