Sprout hairpin
Uh, excuse me? You're probably wondering about my auntie's well being now and if she needs any help with her mental issues. However, a new trend has risen in China; the sprouting flower hairpins. Or floral hairpins, grass pins or whatever you like to call them. This fashion trend focuses on little hairpins which you can hide in your hair creating the 'i'm growing a plant out of my head' look. I'm not kidding. According to my auntie it's starting with the up rise of a cartoon character which has a little pea shoot growing out of is head. Now since they gained popularity they are seen everywhere! Women, men and kids are wearing them on a daily basis to add some cuteness into their lives. At first I thought it was funny as well, but the more I see them the cuter they look! If you do a quick search on Taobao (the Chinese equivalent of Ebay) or Aliexpress you can find them for really cheap prices as low as $0.09 (depending if you want just the sprout or the whole flower included). Even famous Kpop star Gdragon was captured by this cute antenna sprout while doing a tour in China with his group Big Bang. He recently posted a picture of him wearing the hair clips with a caption saying; you like? After this I think it won't take long for the trend to spread to Korea. At least you have to admit they are much more original than those overrated bohemian flower crowns.

Pet grooming
Not only humans can enjoy China's weirdest trends, pets too! If you think washing your dog and taking him for a simple grooming session is good enough think again! Girls (and guys too!) are taking pet grooming to the next level by making them look like wild animals such as tigers, panda's and lions. If you want to go a little less extreme I would suggest the 'round cut' this particular cut is very popular with toy poodles and other fluffy dogs making sure every body part (especially the head) of the animal is cut in a round shape making the dogs look insanely cute. After the round look, the square look popped up. Giving dogs (you guessed it) a square looking haircut. If you want to try this look on your dog it will probably gain you a lot of likes on Instagram according to the pet owners. However it does take a lot of maintenance. If you're wondering what's next? Triangular cut? I'm not sure, maybe the Chinese will take the wild animal cut to next level.
These are just two crazy examples. How about doing a quick Google search on the Face-kini, bagel heads or anti-rape hair stockings. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. If you are in for a laugh try searching them! Tell me if you found anything funny~!
~ mei mei